
Morning Meds...Attract Love

Morning Meds... At the core of who we are, at the center of our being, we are PEACE AND LOVE. If we live life through the expression of that, all that we will attract is MORE peace and love. So, we have nothing to fear. The issue is that, sometimes, when we are experiencing these beautiful things in life our mind starts to consider the ‘what ifs’. “What if it doesn’t work out?” Or “What if, this or that”. These ‘what if’ statements are toxic. Every time you think or say one of these ‘what if’ statements you are manifesting the statements that follow. I challenge you to embody that Peace and Love that you truly are, live from that place, attract more of that. And if you happen to come across a ‘what if’ thought just remind yourself that you are LOVE. You deserve all the greatness that comes to you, be grateful for it, enjoy it. Love2luvya ✌️💖😁

Morning Meds...Love is sexy

Morning Meds... on this beautiful day when we celebrate LOVE, the sentiment that changes minds, the feeling that changes lives, the word that captivates all that we are meant to be. On this day, I declare my love for ALL! And I challenge YOU to do the same. You can do it! Here’s the key - it all comes down to us! In order for us to love much, as Van Gogh said above, we must love ourselves first. We must love ourselves unconditionally. To love ourselves unconditionally means that no matter what we have done or not done, what we have said or not said, we love ourselves. As we live from this space of Love, we find Love does indeed lead the way. Ask the question, “What would love do in this situation?” Love much today. No matter what. - I love you!!! Happy ❤️ day!

Morning Meds... Be Fearless

Morning Meds... Our ego would love nothing more than to keep us in fear. It’s job is to keep us safe, but at what cost? Life is about taking chances. Taking that plunge and living in the exhilaration. To be fearless isn’t really to overcome fear, it’s to come to know it’s nature. Just open the door more and more and at some point you’ll feel capable of inviting all beings in as your guest.  ️  Love2luvya

Morning meds...There are no limits

Morning meds... Do not believe for a second that you are less than anything. Know that you are magnificent. Know that your life was meant to be much more than you were told. So why not be remarkable in all you do? No matter how big or small it may be do it remarkably! There is nothing that can limit you -nothing! Wait, correction: the only thing that can limit you is you! Today, go beyond the fear and step into your greatness. Reclaim your throne. You are Divine, the beloved of the beloved, a god essence. Give thanks and move beyond all seeming limitations. 👏👏👏You can do it!! ✌️💖😁 Love2luvya -

Morning Meds...Peace is SEXY

Morning Meds... Take a Pause, Stop, Breath and find Peace. Quiet your mind chatter, let go of ALL expectations, and just be. Far to often we find ourselves so caught up in the external world and external circumstances that we don’t take the time to seek or attain peace within. TV, Social Media, Newspapers, blogs, and magazines are all feeding us information of war, injustice, racism, crimes, rachetness etc. Telling us we aren’t pretty enough, skinny enough, rich enough, poor enough or plain old NOT ENOUGH! Shit! No wonder there is so much damn sadness! Yo, LET GO of all of that BS. You are ENOUGH! You are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Know that!! There’s not much we can do about society’s views on who we should be. What we can do is, dive deep and explore who we truly are. You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level (Eckhart Tolle). Take some time today to dig deep, to find YOUR peace. Wether it be for 15, 10, or even 5 minu...

Morning Meds...You are Courageous

Morning Meds... Always keep your eyes on the prize. On your journey to greatness there will always be stumbling blocks. So what if you stumble?!?? just get back up, dust yourself off, and keep it moving. Acknowledge the stumble and deal with the stumbling block but do not hold on to it. Let it go ASAP. True courage lies in acknowledging the pain, learning from it, and having it grow us. The truth is; anything that hurts is usually an opportunity for growth. And once you look at life through those eyes; now THAT is courageous! Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” You are courageous, you are Strong, you are a BEAUTIFUL and unique stary light on this beautiful journey. Let that light shine, be courageous, keep your head up high, and always let LOVE guide you. Only LOVE is real. Have a BEAUTIFUL day. The reading is by Pema Chodron. Love2luvya ✌️💖😁.

Morning Meds... Lead from Love

Morning Meds... In order to be a leader you must first be humble and kind. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way (John C. Maxwell). You must first be open to learn if you are going to teach and be willing to listen if you are going to speak. Know that you are not better than those you lead, you are only here to guide them as their equal and they are there to guide you as to how to guide them. Bring love in all that you do, always come from a place of love and you can never go wrong. Today’s message comes from the Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing). Only Love Is Real!!! Have a LOVEly day! Love2luvya ✌️💖😁