Morning Meds... Lead from Love

Morning Meds... In order to be a leader you must first be humble and kind. A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way (John C. Maxwell). You must first be open to learn if you are going to teach and be willing to listen if you are going to speak. Know that you are not better than those you lead, you are only here to guide them as their equal and they are there to guide you as to how to guide them. Bring love in all that you do, always come from a place of love and you can never go wrong. Today’s message comes from the Tao Te Ching (pronounced Dao De Jing). Only Love Is Real!!! Have a LOVEly day! Love2luvya ✌️💖😁


  1. Thanks for the pronunciation - you know I am awful with it even with English words.


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