Morning Meds...Peace is SEXY

Morning Meds... Take a Pause, Stop, Breath and find Peace. Quiet your mind chatter, let go of ALL expectations, and just be. Far to often we find ourselves so caught up in the external world and external circumstances that we don’t take the time to seek or attain peace within. TV, Social Media, Newspapers, blogs, and magazines are all feeding us information of war, injustice, racism, crimes, rachetness etc. Telling us we aren’t pretty enough, skinny enough, rich enough, poor enough or plain old NOT ENOUGH! Shit! No wonder there is so much damn sadness! Yo, LET GO of all of that BS. You are ENOUGH! You are MORE THAN ENOUGH! Know that!! There’s not much we can do about society’s views on who we should be. What we can do is, dive deep and explore who we truly are. You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level (Eckhart Tolle). Take some time today to dig deep, to find YOUR peace. Wether it be for 15, 10, or even 5 minutes. Just Be silent, breath, and be with yourself. This kind of PEACE can, not only, change your life it can change the world. Be the change you want to see. PEACE is SEXY! 😍Have a PEACE-full Friyay! ✌️💖😁 Love2luvya
-📸: @ef_phtgrphy -
