Morning Meds...Attract Love

Morning Meds... At the core of who we are, at the center of our being, we are PEACE AND LOVE. If we live life through the expression of that, all that we will attract is MORE peace and love. So, we have nothing to fear. The issue is that, sometimes, when we are experiencing these beautiful things in life our mind starts to consider the ‘what ifs’. “What if it doesn’t work out?” Or “What if, this or that”. These ‘what if’ statements are toxic. Every time you think or say one of these ‘what if’ statements you are manifesting the statements that follow. I challenge you to embody that Peace and Love that you truly are, live from that place, attract more of that. And if you happen to come across a ‘what if’ thought just remind yourself that you are LOVE. You deserve all the greatness that comes to you, be grateful for it, enjoy it. Love2luvya ✌️💖😁


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