Morning Meds...You are Courageous

Morning Meds... Always keep your eyes on the prize. On your journey to greatness there will always be stumbling blocks. So what if you stumble?!?? just get back up, dust yourself off, and keep it moving. Acknowledge the stumble and deal with the stumbling block but do not hold on to it. Let it go ASAP. True courage lies in acknowledging the pain, learning from it, and having it grow us. The truth is; anything that hurts is usually an opportunity for growth. And once you look at life through those eyes; now THAT is courageous! Winston Churchill once said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” You are courageous, you are Strong, you are a BEAUTIFUL and unique stary light on this beautiful journey. Let that light shine, be courageous, keep your head up high, and always let LOVE guide you. Only LOVE is real. Have a BEAUTIFUL day. The reading is by Pema Chodron. Love2luvya ✌️💖😁.


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