Morning Meds...How do I attract abundance?

Morning Meds... How do I attract abundance? I woke up this morning with this revelation: We block our abundance by not being grateful for what we already have been blessed with. And by grateful I don’t mean, merely just acknowledging that you are grateful, I’m talking about RADICAL gratitude! When I was a little girl and my mother, being a single mom, would work hard and get me something I would usually love it for a short amount of time then forget about it, neglect it, or not value it anymore. That’s when my mom would say that I’m a ‘malagradecida’ (ungrateful girl). You see we’ve got to, not only be grateful but, be radically grateful for what we have!! Value it, cherish it, take care of it. That is the secret to getting more, that is the secret to abundance!! When we aren’t, when we are being Malagradecida/o, that is when we repel abundance, that is when we tell the universe that we are not open to more. My challenge for you today and every day is to be RADICALLY GRATEFUL for...