
Showing posts from January, 2019

Morning Meds...How do I attract abundance?

Morning Meds... How do I attract abundance? I woke up this morning with this revelation: We block our abundance by not being grateful for what we already have been blessed with. And by grateful I don’t mean, merely just acknowledging that you are grateful, I’m talking about RADICAL gratitude! When I was a little girl and my mother, being a single mom, would work hard and get me something I would usually love it for a short amount of time then forget about it, neglect it, or not value it anymore. That’s when my mom would say that I’m a ‘malagradecida’ (ungrateful girl). You see we’ve got to, not only be grateful but, be radically grateful for what we have!! Value it, cherish it, take care of it. That is the secret to getting more, that is the secret to abundance!! When we aren’t, when we are being Malagradecida/o, that is when we repel abundance, that is when we tell the universe that we are not open to more. My challenge for you today and every day is to be RADICALLY GRATEFUL for...

Morning Meds... Let Go...

Morning Meds... in letting go something beautiful happens. You no longer let the uncontrollable effects of this world affect or define you. Deepak Chopra says, “in the process of letting go... you will find yourself.” This is YOUR life journey, the story has already been written. Let go and let God. Stop trying to label and define everything, stop suffering over what happened yesterday, stop driving yourself crazy over what’s going to happen next. Enjoy every moment, live for THIS MOMENT (RIGHT NOW) and let this beautiful story unfold. Love2luvya ✌️πŸ’–πŸ˜

Morning Meds...Lead with Love

Morning Meds... if you feed yourself a diet of fear and resentment, how well will you be able to manage living with spiritual indigestion? (SOM Mag) ha! I love this question! You see, there are people that have found comfort and at times pride in this diet. You hear them say things like, “I’m not a happy person, but who is?”, “ I can’t stand most people”, “why are you so happy?”, “ I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist”. Sound mad familiar? Lol. The thing is, we are all valuable and there are no EXTRA people. We are like waves 🌊 in this ocean; all connected.. The source of all is love and love can be seen felt and experienced everywhere. We must lead from this source, live from there. Love is contagious. So if you come across someone on this diet today or any other day, just show them love. Teach them how to love, by example. You are the beloved of the beloved and so are they. Have a WONDERful day! Love2luvya ✌️πŸ’–πŸ˜.

Morning Meds...Be the Change

Smile! Morning Meds... this message was inspired by the upcoming 64 day Season of Peace and Nonviolence. Although I feel as though peace and nonviolence should be a daily, hourly, even minute by minute practice. It is beautiful that for 64 days people around the world celebrate it. Mahatma Gandhi challenged us to be the change we wish to see in the world. MLK said that Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others? We can celebrate peace ☮️ by sitting home and reflecting on the beauty of it or we can go out there and change someone’s world. All it takes is one act of kindness towards someone and the effects ripple across the earth. If you are miserable today because it’s Monday, turn that around; smile and be grateful for this day. Your shine will illuminate someone else’s day. It doesn’t take much to be the change or to do something wonderful for others. Just stay positive and grateful, smile, and love the shit out of life and those around...

Morning Meds...Pain is Temporary - Run through the "Valley"

  Morning Meds... The truth is life can be pretty interesting at times. Sometimes it feels like everything is falling apart. We are miserable at work, our partner, our kids, our parents are all driving us crazy. We have lost our way. We may even feel ourselves walking through the valley of what feels like death. In other words, life’s just not going our way. But let’s look at that line again. “Though we WALK THROUGH...” Let’s just walk through the valley, not pitch a tent or build a house and dwell there. Let’s walk through as quickly as possible. There are lessons to be learned while visiting the valley so let’s walk through pick up our lessons and get out of there as quickly as possible, lol. Run πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒπŸ»‍♂️ through!! Focus on the fact that through the clouds the sky is always blue, that the visit to the valley is only a visit, that all fear, pain, grief, etc is only temporary. Keep your eye on the prize, learn the lesson and move on and you’ll see how beautiful life truly is....

Morning Meds...Be Here; in the NOW - Be present!

Morning Meds... We often get so caught up in the hustle of our daily lives; on the “destination” that we are trying to reach. So much so that the people around us become interruptions or obstacles on the way. Only when we are fully present and in the moment, can we truly see peoples hearts and souls. Once you see who people are under all the cover-up, you just can’t help but love them. Today I challenge you to lean into Love and away from Judgement to be present and truly see those around you. I bet you’ll fall in love at least once today. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?😊. Have a beautiful day! ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ Love2luvya

Morning Meds...Do your BEST!

Morning Meds... Do your best! Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better (Maya Angelou). Don’t let society tell you what your best is you already know it! Do that, do what feels right deep down, do what makes you happy with the results. Do the best you can and if afterwards you think you can do better, do that! Every moment we get the opportunity to grow, to be better, to move towards our greatest good, to change what we feel we must. Do good and every moment will just get better. Be the best version of the you, you know you can be! ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ Love2luvya. Have a wonderful day!  #dalailama

You are a magnificent being ~

YOU ARE MAGNIFICENT!! Morning Meds... When all else is said and done, it comes down to this: You are a magnificent being, period! No matter what you have experienced in the past. No matter what your bank account says or doesn’t say. You see - no one can change that, not even you. Yea, you can dim your light; you can pretend you’re not wonderful. But this doesn’t change the truth. You are the brilliant and remarkable beloved of the beloved. Today -and maybe tomorrow too- I challenge you to live your life from a place of joy, trust, and faith. Know that whatever you do, you are always supported. Remember who you are! You are beloved and divine. You are here to shine your light and share your gifts with the world. You are such a blessing!! (SOM Mag) love2luvya ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ