Morning Meds...Be the Change

Morning Meds... this message was inspired by the upcoming 64 day Season of Peace and Nonviolence. Although I feel as though peace and nonviolence should be a daily, hourly, even minute by minute practice. It is beautiful that for 64 days people around the world celebrate it. Mahatma Gandhi challenged us to be the change we wish to see in the world. MLK said that Life's most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others? We can celebrate peace ☮️ by sitting home and reflecting on the beauty of it or we can go out there and change someone’s world. All it takes is one act of kindness towards someone and the effects ripple across the earth. If you are miserable today because it’s Monday, turn that around; smile and be grateful for this day. Your shine will illuminate someone else’s day. It doesn’t take much to be the change or to do something wonderful for others. Just stay positive and grateful, smile, and love the shit out of life and those around you and that vibration will rub off on others instantly making this world a better place. Have a fabulous day! Love2luvya ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ xo


  1. I fuckin hate Monday’s. Said no spiritualist ever! Everyday is a gift �� so let’s give presents!

    1. LOL!! I fuckin love you!! YES GIVE PRESENCE All day EVERYDAY!! XO


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