Morning Meds...Pain is Temporary - Run through the "Valley"

 Morning Meds... The truth is life can be pretty interesting at times. Sometimes it feels like everything is falling apart. We are miserable at work, our partner, our kids, our parents are all driving us crazy. We have lost our way. We may even feel ourselves walking through the valley of what feels like death. In other words, life’s just not going our way. But let’s look at that line again. “Though we WALK THROUGH...” Let’s just walk through the valley, not pitch a tent or build a house and dwell there. Let’s walk through as quickly as possible. There are lessons to be learned while visiting the valley so let’s walk through pick up our lessons and get out of there as quickly as possible, lol. Run πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒπŸ»‍♂️ through!! Focus on the fact that through the clouds the sky is always blue, that the visit to the valley is only a visit, that all fear, pain, grief, etc is only temporary. Keep your eye on the prize, learn the lesson and move on and you’ll see how beautiful life truly is. How would we know what sweet was if we never tasted the bitter? It’s all a part of this beautiful life we get to live. ☯️ Trust the process, enjoy the journey!! ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ Love2luvya (SOM Mag)


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