You are a magnificent being ~


Morning Meds... When all else is said and done, it comes down to this: You are a magnificent being, period! No matter what you have experienced in the past. No matter what your bank account says or doesn’t say. You see - no one can change that, not even you. Yea, you can dim your light; you can pretend you’re not wonderful. But this doesn’t change the truth. You are the brilliant and remarkable beloved of the beloved. Today -and maybe tomorrow too- I challenge you to live your life from a place of joy, trust, and faith. Know that whatever you do, you are always supported. Remember who you are! You are beloved and divine. You are here to shine your light and share your gifts with the world. You are such a blessing!! (SOM Mag) love2luvya ✌πŸΌπŸ’–πŸ˜ƒ


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