Morning Meds... How to be a GOAL-digger...

 Morning Meds... Ahhhhh that instant gratification! We want instant lunch, instant cure, instant miracles, instant salary, instant success— instant everything. This instant civilization, we have obsessed with, has made us grow a tad too impatient in virtually everything about life. And, of course, that doesn’t serve us so well (Boniface Sagini). Anything worth doing, anything worth living, anything worth having takes time. Devoting this time and enjoying the process takes discipline. Believe me I know!! Lol! This is definitely a challenge. But I’ve seen the outcome of such discipline and it’s always good. So put down that cookie (or just take a bite then throw it away, lol) , Don’t hit snooze on your dreams!! Go for it and once you’re there perhaps you can have your dream and that thing you want NOW or you might even realize that you don’t even want that thing anymore because you can do better. 😊 love2luvya ✌️💖😁.


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